Ms. Glenda Hess, Music Director

Music Director – Glenda Grant Hess          (863-307-1261)

Beginning 11 years ago, It is my privilege to serve God in the Music Department at Lake Gibson Methodist Church.  God allowed me to have many years of experiences in church music and a master’s degree in psychology to understand the brain’s response to music, which occurs in EVERY lobe and section of the brain.  The mind/music connection leads to brain/body connection affecting emotional, physiological and spiritual well-being.  As we sing, play instruments, and praise God we are being transformed by the renovation of our minds away from the world and toward Jesus.  Then we can distinguish what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God–beautiful and acceptable.  (Romans 12:2)  Music profoundly affects thinking; and as a person thinks, so the person is.  (Proverbs 23:7) 

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